Red Light Therapy – Frequently Asked Questions

Red light therapy is most commonly used for skin treatmens but it can also be used in pain relief for a variety of conditions. Sports injuries, nerve damage, and herniated discs are only among a few painful conditions which can be treated through the use of regular red light therapy treatments. Before investing in a costly skin cream or spending too much on prescription pain relievers, red light therapy treatments might be able to give the results needed. While there are many questions one might have regarding light therapy, a few are answered below.


1. What happens during a red light therapy treatment?

Red light therapy involves directing a penetrating red light upon an area of skin which needs improvement. Treatments using red light will brighten skin tone and improve texture, helping to reduce pore size. Anti-aging red light therapy increases circulation and heals the elastic fibers that help keep skin young and tight.

2. Are red light treatments safe?

Red light therapy is completely safe for an average healthy individual. According to the FDA, red light used at 633 nm poses a non-significant risk and is also safe for the eyes at that level. Red light goes into the tissue at a depth of 8-10 mm, ensuring that the level of delivery is not only safe but also effective. The results are long-lasting.

3. How does red light therapy work?

The innovations of science have made a surprisingly simple technology widely available. When red light at 633nm is absorbed at a cellular level by the mitochondria a simulation of intracellular energy transfer occurs. The production of this energy means cell vitality and permeability is increased overall. Production of new collagen, and increased turnover of collagen and elastin occurs during this process, ensuring that the fibers within skin are firm. Scientific studies have also shown that cells grow 150-200% faster upon exposure to certain light wavelengths.

4. Is red light therapy similar to sunbathing?

Although sunbathing does produce a feeling of wellbeing in an individual and is vital for the creation of Vitamin D, there is a large difference between the light coming from the sun and the light that is coming from a red light treatment. There is no risk of sunburn for an individual undergoing red light therapy, and red light machines do not contain the full spectra of the sun, which can cause damage to the skin upon prolonged or intense exposure. There are no UVA or UVB rays in red light therapy.

5. Is red light therapy similar to laser treatments?

Red light therapy does not hold the potential for damage as with laser treatments. These treatments cannot cut or scar the skin. Red light therapy differs from lasers in that the concentrated light that is used to vaporize or remove tissue. Laser treatment is typically used for the removal of unsightly skin or hair. Red light therapy is one of the few non-invasive technologies our there available that can reverse the appearance of aging skin.

6. How long will this treatment take?

Red light therapy will not produce immediate changes to skin, as the treatments are done in a series to effect noticeable and long-lasting effects. This is done over a priod of a few weeks. Everyone reacts differently, as not all skin is the same.
In general, the best results will be seen in an 8 to 12 week period, or over a period of several months.

7. Does red light therapy treat acne, age spots and weathered skin?

Red light is excellent for removal of bacteria that is responsible for acne and othr skin conditions. This therapy treatment generally induces cellular activity that greatly reduces the appearance of aged skin. Anti-aging red light therapy is known to brighten the skin and reduce the chances of skin discoloration occuring.

8. Can red light treat cellulite?

Whlie there are no studies supporting that cellulite is treatable with red light therapy, it can be used during detox to accelerate the process. This is due to the healing activity that is already taking place during a fast or other cleanse. When paired with red light therapy, the effects are phenomenal for weight loss, which can be linked to reduced cellulite.

9. Does red light therapy have the same effect for all skin types?

Red light therapy is safe and effective for all skin types and pigmentation. The sole requirement is that skin is clean for effective light transmission. Oils and other debri that may build up on the skin during the day will interfere with the light and lessen its effects. Remember, the light needs to deeply penetrate the skin for enhanced cellular healing.

10. How long do the results last?

Results can depend on the type and length of treatment. The original conditions that were being treated should also be considered. For example, a detox with red light might successfully take place over the span of a couple of days. The patient can feel the difference from pairing a cleanse with the treatments for up to a week and sometimes even longer. Skin treatments are often a more dynamic process. Continued treatments are needed for wrinkles and expression lines to stay at bay.

11. Do red light therapy treatments hurt?

Red light treatments never hurt. Unlike lasers or microdermabrasion, which makes use of abrasion to change the skin’s appearance, these treatments only use light. Unlike These ablative treatments will often use heat and cause small levels of discomfort or pain. However, red light therapy treatments are non-thermal and non-invasive overall. Clients do not report discomfort during red light therapy treatments. The skin may feel warm due to the intensity of the red light treatment over an extended period of time, however, this largely depends on the length of the treatment chosen.

12. Can red light therapy hurt my eyes?

Unlike sunlight, prolonged exposure to red light does not hurt the eyes. No studies have linked these treatments with harmful effects on the eyes, although it is best to stay safe when having a treatment done. It is recommended that patients not stare directly at red lights during a session. Protective eyewear is recommended, but it is not required during a red light therapy session. The red light is typically easy to handle for the eyes, which are used to seeing in diffused sunlight. Red light treatment rooms contain a lower light level than that diffused by sunlight.


  1. How long should the device be held in one area before moving to another.

    • For cosmetic purposes between 3 and 5 minutes per area. For pain relief – 20 minutes per area.

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